Research proposal pitch at NWO for the NICO-expedite call

Today I am excited to pitch a new research proposal at NWO to use the Research Vessel Pelagia next year. This is titled Marine connectivity of Saba Bank and Leeward Islands and its ecological implications and will join efforts to improve data and understanding for hydrodynamics and ecosystems in the waters of Saba Bank.

Jack Middelburg taking questions on the NICO-expedite research call.

Caroline Katsman also joined from TU Delft to pitch plans on observing the internal structure of an eddy tracking across the Caribbean basin.

This NWO workshop is part of the recent NICO-expedite call from NWO, which is reported on this NIOZ page.


I am happy my two minute pitch was well-received. It was a fantastic opportunity to work with others in forming combined plans for use of the marine research vessel Pelagia.